Senin, 26 November 2012

pisces! true ! 2

 is super sensitive. You have to watch what you say to them because something you think is small may really hurt their feelings.

 can be anti-social sometimes, not want to be bothered for awhile, and get annoyed if you keep trying to talk to them.

 woman can make any man feel like a King in bed.

 are like tattoos...once they've touched your heart, they become a permanent part of you!

But when a  is not underestimate them.

 are ONLY cold hearted, when they have put their heart's on the line to see it was all games...

 can be very careless about their future.

The most sensitive sign in the zodiac,  often battle conflicting inner emotions.

  love holding hands. <--- TRUE

If you ask advice from a , you should do what they say, they're always right.

When you fall in love with a  they are an angel. A year later while living together they turn into a witch.

 can tell if you're sad even though you have the biggest smile on your face.

 "Friends until the very end"

Being with a  is easy.

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